6 Essential Tips for Freshers’ Week | Top Universities

6 Essential Tips for Freshers’ Week

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Ella Patenall

Updated Sep 21, 2018



6 Essential Tips for Freshers’ Week main image

Freshers’ Week is a great chance to meet people, join societies and generally have a good time, but how prepared are you for it?  If you need some advice on getting the most from your first week at university, here are just a few top tips to keep in mind…

Unpack early

It’s very tempting to make excuses for not ‘taking part’, particularly when you don’t know anybody and are maybe feeling a little shy or lonely.  It would be very easy to tell yourself ‘I can’t go out because I still have to unpack’, which is precisely the reason why you should get it out the way on day one.  If you have no excuse to stay in, you’ll force yourself to go out – it may not always feel like a comfortable experience, but you will be glad you did further down the line.

Go to the Freshers’ fair

Your university’s Freshers’ fair will usually be held some time during the first few days of term, and it’s a great opportunity to find out about some of the societies and groups you might want to join.  It can be fun finding the most obscure or bizarre club, but don’t be tempted to join a society you’ll probably never attend – almost all freshers will find they’ve signed up to a society, paid the membership fee and then can’t be bothered with the socials and meetings.

Bag as much free stuff as you can

There will be freebies handed out everywhere during Freshers’ Week, so take full advantage.  Sure, some of the branded pens and bags are pretty naff, but they’re free and that can save you money in the long-run. Bag as many free pens as you can, for instance, and you need never shell out to restock your pencil case the whole time you’re at uni.

Be open-minded

Being open-minded is key to enjoying Freshers’ week, and some of your most enduring university friendships will be with people you never expected to meet or get on with.  If you’re open-minded about the people you socialize with, the societies you join and the experiences on offer, you’ll be pushed outside of your comfort zone and find you have a lot more fun as a result.

Be careful with your money

In those first few days you’ll probably be feeling pretty flash with cash, but suddenly having money of your own coupled with the thrill of Freshers’ week can spell disaster.  Unless you have a budget and plan your spending wisely, it can be all too easy to overspend and blow a significant amount of your student loan on having a good time.  Remember, while it might be fun spending it now, you won’t thank yourself in a few weeks when your bank balance is almost at zero.

Don’t worry if you’re not having fun

So much pressure is put on you to enjoy Freshers’ week that you can feel like a bit of a failure if you admit to yourself that you’re not having fun.  Bear in mind that there’s a lot going on for you during those first couple of weeks – you’re meeting new people, you’re likely living away from home for the first time, and you’re getting to grips with your course.  Don’t be ashamed to admit you’re not enjoying it.  It takes some people longer than others to settle and start having fun, so don’t beat yourself up about it.

Lizzie Exton writes for Inspiring Interns, which specializes in sourcing candidates for internships. To browse our graduate jobs London listings, visit our website.

Main image credit: uclu photosoc (Flickr)

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